AW: [IRCServices Coding] A few things...
Panagiotis Kefalidis
pkef at
Fri Sep 20 03:30:37 PDT 2002
On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Yusuf Iskenderoglu wrote:
> >
> >Also I was wondering if there is any chance that you can use
> >the ChanServ and NickServ SENDPASS option without enabling
> >AUTH in NickServ when registering?
> >
> How will you ensure that the email is correct ? If it is not
> Authenticated ? Users could have set a at as email.
I think we don't care about the email they've set.To set a valid mail is
for their own good in case they forget their password.I believe just a
notice while running the register proccess,about setting a valid email,is
enough. (:
> >Will there ever be a proxy module? Having a proxy scanner in
> >services is a really good idea because people don't have to
> >use extra background processes for a seperate scanner.
> >Implementing a scanner like NeoBOPM would be great. I know
> >that if I want one I should code it myself but I am useless at
> >coding. I thought it would be a nice idea as this is the place
> >for suggestions.
> I believe NeoBOPM, now a renamed project is not as good as ist
> Origin BOPM, just as IrcServices is better than all its clones.
> Since Bopm is working fine and supports more than some oddities
> Like NeoBOPM, I would anyway advise using it, and not combine it
> With services and add additional tasks to services.
I believe this also.Using an extra proxy scanner or a combination of 2
it's better than running an proxy scanner module.Services already have
enough to check.
> Regards;
> Yusuf