[IRCServices Coding] New IRC Services project

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at lucas-nussbaum.net
Wed Dec 18 23:00:23 PST 2002

On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 09:38:58PM +0000, Craig McLure <Craig at chatspike.net> wrote:
> Just a note.. do you realise how dangerous MySQL databases are? a while back i was discussing with my staff the subject of making one, Can you garuntee that MySQL wont crash? can you be totally certain that no-one else can access your database and make significant changes? currently the "FlatFiles" are a much safer way to store information, and even if someone tries to modify them, its never easy.

yes, and see how many important websites rely on mysql. MySQL 3.23 _is_
the goal is to allow others to access the database through websites, etc
.. and modify it. And yes, MySQL can be configured to restrict access to
some people, with brand new techniques like login and password.

I'm not sure mysql would be a solution though. postgres, with a set of
stored procedures for external modification of the database, would
probably be a better choice.

> And still, as always, i dont see the point in BotServ.

yeah, you don't, but some people do.
