[IRCServices Coding] None

RT.Mail at verizon.net RT.Mail at verizon.net
Thu Mar 13 13:19:45 PST 2003

Craig is correct, however the DB has not had any more problems.... might have just been a freak thing. The only problem now 
is the page not loading. FYI those 19,000 akills were from a 36 hour period, if it werent for the damn bots we would have about 

< >On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 21:6:47 +0000, Craig McLure wrote:
< > Russell has been subject to a large number of botfloods recently
< > and has scripts to add akills when bots connect, last time i
< > spoke to him he said that the services databases mess up after a
< > certain ammount, but performance wise, its fine.
< > 
< > -----------------------------------------------------------------
< > ------
< > Craig McLure - Craig at chatspike.net
< > ChatSpike - The users network: http://www.chatspike.net  
< > InspIRCd - Modular IRC server: http://www.inspircd.org
< > <`RaSh> how do i install linux i got the cd and i dont see the
< > setup.exe or install.exe
< > -----------------------------------------------------------------
< > ------
< > 
< > ============ Original Message ============
< > >From     : "Russell Garrett" <rg at tcslon.com>
< > >Reply-To : ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net
< > >To       : RT.Mail at verizon.net
< > >Subject  : RE: [IRCServices Coding] None
< > >Date     : 2003-03-13
< > >
< > >
< > >Out of interest, how does Services perform with this many
< > akills? And, if
< > >you don't mind me asking, how did you accumulate so many? In my
< > experience
< > >offenders almost certainly give up after a month or so, and so
< > setting
< > >unlimited-timed akills is usually a pointless exercise. But
< > it's just me
< > >being nosy :).
< > >
< > >Russ
< > >
< > >> -----Original Message-----
< > >> From: ircservices-coding-bounces at ircservices.za.net
< > >> [mailto:ircservices-coding-bounces at ircservices.za.net]On
< > Behalf
< > >> Of RT.Mail at verizon.net
< > >> Sent: 13 March 2003 10:04
< > >> To: IRC Services Coding Mailing List
< > >> Subject: [IRCServices Coding] None
< > >>
< > >>
< > >> We have about 19,000 autokills on the akill list. When trying
< > to
< > >> view them on the web it seems services only shows about 17,200
< > >> before it stops loading the page. I have tried to view it in
< > both
< > >> Opera and IE, both have the same problem.
< > >>
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< > >> To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
< > >> http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-
< > coding
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< > >>
< > >
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< > --
< > >To unsubscribe or change your subscription options, visit:
< > >http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-
< > coding
< > >.
< > ========= End of Original Message =========
< > 
< > 
< > 
< > -----------------------------------------------------------------
< > -
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< > http://www.ircservices.za.net/mailman/listinfo/ircservices-coding