[IRCServices Coding] Which route to take - Module?

Robert F Merrill griever at t2n.org
Thu Sep 4 13:29:46 PDT 2003

Brent DiNicola wrote:

> It wasn't an easy subject to sum up in just a few words.
> I am wanting to do something to the ircservices code, I want to change
> the way the notice() works. I know that modifying the send.c would be
> very frowned upon and then I got to thinking and had suggested that I
> maybe make a module to keep the information for me. I know it's against
> the RFC, but I am pressed against a brick wall here, I have to give 
> the users
> an option to use PRIVMSG or NOTICE. Now, to help people move to NOTICE
> I would like to give them the option of turning on PRIVMSG but have 
> be the default, that would get the lazy people to use NOTICE. Eventually
> getting rid of this problem. In the mean time, I was thinking what is 
> the best
> way to go about this without causing trouble for me and anyone else 
> who has
> to deal with this code. Is it possible or even suggested to make a 
> module that
> would replace the notice() from send.c with it's own, leaving the code 
> in send.c
> alone and not causing troubles down the road. Suggestions were that I 
> make a
> module that kept the info for each nick's setting and then if I could 
> override
> the notice() and notice_lang() and notice_help() in send.c that would 
> keep all the
> other code clean and not cause other troubles. I want to know what the 
> best
> way to do this would be, I know it's against RFC but I want to move to 
> newer
> services than the 1.4.3pre4 that we are using now and add modules so 
> that I
> can do things down the line. They are used to having PRIVMSG and I 
> can't just
> change it without running people off, so if I can make PRIVMSG an option
> then I can't be blamed if they are lazy. Opinions on how to go about 
> this? I
> know this topic has been asked before and I know your not going to 
> make it
> part of your code, I just wanted to know from the people who know the 
> code
> really well what the best route to take would be to do the least 
> amount of
> damage. (And if someone has done this.. please let me know what you did,
> examples would rock)
> Thanks
> Brent
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> |               Brent DiNicola                                  |
> |           The Whitewolf of Immyrr                     |
> |                  <elric at elric.net>                             |
> |           http://www.melnibone.net                      |
> |   Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed here are  |
> |  from my dog. Any liabilities fall to the dog.     |
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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Services is not the place to fix broken clients, and any client which 
doesn't display notices correctly is broken. If someone wants to see 
notices differently, they can either
a) change their client or in the case of webtv b) change the ircd

services is the wrong thing to change