[IRCServices Coding] New Features

Craig McLure Craig at chatspike.net
Wed Sep 3 13:35:04 PDT 2003

If you read the archive, you will find that this has already been discussed (fairly recently if i recall..), and was thrown out, if you want services SSL support, i recommend you use a SSL tunnel.

When it comes to ZIP links, this would require editing the services protocol module accordingly.. and IMO, shouldnt been needed, as in most cases, services run on the same box as a server.  

 *     Craig "FrostyCoolSlug" McLure
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 * From    - Alessandro Ciappei <laser at musichat.net>
 * To      - ircservices-coding <ircservices-coding at ircservices.za.net>
 * Sent    - 2003-09-03 @ 15:49:00
 * Subject - [IRCServices Coding] New Features

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>Hi all,
>I have an idea for next release.
>A secure link between services and ircd.
>Now many ircd, like Unreal, tr-ircd, bahamut supports a ssl link.
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