[IRCServices Coding] UnrealIRCd - PREFIX_AQ

FreakyComputer freakycomputer at global.co.za
Fri Dec 12 09:31:57 PST 2003

Hiya, it's me again!

As, some of you, might know, UnrealIRCd has a new option for PREFIX_AQ,
which gives all Protected users and Channel owners new prefixes. You also
don't require +o if you have +a/q to perform Channel operations like Kicking

I was wondering, how does IRCServices cope with these new prefixes? Is there
something I drastically need change in the protocol setup. Also, does
IRCServices still set +ao when a user's got AUTOPROTECT and also +qo when a
user is the OWNER. Since this is no longer needed in Unreal with the
PREFIX_AQ enabled, is there a way to stop IRCServices from setting both o
and q/a when a user has sufficient access.

Thanks for any help,