[IRCServices Coding] Chanserv & memoserv suggestion

MaNUaL manual4000 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 19 07:26:30 PDT 2004

Well as i see it more clearly now i think it should be
an automatic function. In every access modification
(i.e. add, del) the list should be reordered right
afterwards automatically. The same thing should happen
with memoserv.
I dont know if services have to be re-designed but it
would be a nice feature.

Now as Chris says maybee the list could be reordered
during the save, restart or update phase.  

--- Chris Jenkinson <chris at starglade.org> wrote:

> Andrew Church wrote:
> >      This is designed behavior.  A manual
> "reorder" command does merit
> > consideration, but the problem with reordering
> (especially automatically)
> > is that another user may be giving a command at
> the same time, or the same
> > user may give two separate commands intending them
> to be used in the same
> > list, and if the list is reordered after the first
> command, the second
> > command will have undesired results.
> How about sorting it temporarily just before
> outputting it to the user
> who requests the list, so the user sees it in order
> but it is stored in
> whatever order it is added?
> That way any interference from other users
> submitting commands won't
> mess anything up and the list will appear in order.
> Chris
> -- 
> Chris Jenkinson
> chris at starglade.org
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