[IRCServices] listchans|listnicks (BUG)

Jozenobio de Melo Brasil jozeph at globalmedia.com.br
Fri Sep 24 10:39:28 PDT 1999


[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listchans
Loading database for list...
#100%comfortavel      Mais um lote criado por Rauen. <:) (Rauen)
#145                  Canal de EncOntRos e Paqueras ([Z]e[R]o_[C]oo[L])
#25a35anos            teste (ApAiXoNaDa)
#40anos               canal pra quem ta afim de ter um bom papo (lavall-bh)
#basic                O canal de programa‡ão da linguagem basic nesse server (Ulyboy)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

The next channel is a Forbidden channel... #beginner (Forbidded)
If I drop it, it's ok... :)

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listnicks _Jozeph_
Loading database for list...
_Jozeph_ is [_Jozeph_]
Last seen address: ~jozeph at 200.249.248.KJdshda908
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Hmmm... cool! :> Problem...

[ircadmin at jozeph services]$ ./listchans \#brasil
Loading database for list...
Information about channel #Brasil:
        Founder: _PlAtTeR_ (~Platter at host216-51.elogica.com.br)
    Description: #Brasil
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

	Can help me to solve it? :)


 \|/ --- \|/   | Jozenóbio de Melo Brasil.
  @~/ Oo \~@   | jozeph at globalmedia.com.br
 /_( \__/ )_\  | http://www.globalmedia.com.br/jozeph
    \__U_/     | " Onde a maioria vive com a bondade,
               |  a maldade da minoria tende sempre a desaparecer! "
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