[IRCServices] All connections in use

Chris chriswh at cyberhighway.net
Sat Oct 30 06:36:33 PDT 1999

This may not help you much Rafael, as I'm not exactly sure, but I would try
running the servers on different ports.
For example,
Server1 run on port 7029
Server2 run on port 7030

C/N Lines for Server1 would be:
C:(Server2's IP or Hostname):(link password):(Server2's name):7030:50
N:(Server2's IP or Hostname):(connect password):(Server2's name)::50

then C/N Lines for Server2 would be:
C:(Server1's IP or Hostname):(link password):(Server1's name):7029:50
N:(Server1's IP or Hostname):(connect password):(Server1's name)::50

Also make sure you have P Lines for the ports, just to be safe, put these
in both server's ircd.conf files:

Hope that helps. If I'm wrong someone please correct me as I've never
messed with two servers from the same machine/account before. And If
someone could help him with the kernel again so he only has to run one
server, I'm sure that would help alot. Hope that helps Rafael.

> From: Rafael Ritter <rafael at kapa.procergs.com.br>
> To: ircservices at ender.shadowfire.org
> Subject: [IRCServices] All connections in use
> Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999 8:49 PM
> Friends,
> I know this question is out of topic, but I really need to solve this.
> If there is no interest in talk about that, I only ask you for any ircd
> mailing list.
> I really need to grant access for more than 1000 users. I was reading the
> last e-mails but they'r not specific (or I didn't understood them).
> My solution is run 2 ircds in same machine. But until now I didn´t have
> success. (there is some other solution?)
> My configuration:
> IP:
> Server name: psi.procergs.com.br
> Server alias: irc.via-rs.com.br
> # Client Y:lines
> Y:1:90:0:1024:100000
> # Server Y:lines
> Y:50:300:600:1:1000000
> I think the problem is with my C/N lines.
> C:
> N:
> C:irc.via-rs.com.br:pass:irc.via-rs.com.br:7029:50
> N:irc.via-rs.com.br:pass:irc.via-rs.com.br::50
> This is the first time I try to link two servers. You may smile if there
> are some primary mistakes :-)
> Rafael Ritter
> Equipe VIA RS
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