[IRCServices] Chanserv Bug?

Jazba Junoon jazba at awww.jeah.net
Sat Feb 10 00:51:42 PST 2001


-ChanServ- Syntax: INVITE channel
-ChanServ- Tells ChanServ to invite you into the given channel.  By
-ChanServ- default, only works if your access

But if you add a user with access level 1 and try:

<A> invite #test
-ChanServ- Permission denied.
As you can see this is either a bug or a wrong info. in services. A has
access level of 1, only access level of 5 or up can be invited into the
channel, should be changed so that access level above 0 can be invited


Jazba Junoon
Email: jazba at jeah.net
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