[IRCServices] General help please!
dan at skyinternet.co.uk
Mon Aug 30 10:35:00 PDT 2004
Hiya. Thanks for your reply.
Apologies for being a nuisance...
Okay, the error I get when starting services:
[Aug 30 17:28:51 2004] IRC Services 5.0.38 starting up
[Aug 30 17:28:51 2004] modules: Unable to load module `operserv/main': /home/in/services/lib/modules/operserv/main.so: Undefined symbol "sync_operserv_db"
[Aug 30 17:28:51 2004] Error loading modules, aborting
> Yes; the option is CSEnableRegister, and it's documented fully in
> Appendix A of the manual. (I'll add an explicit reference to it in section
> 3 as well to clarify this.)
I only see in the Manual:
> CSEnableRegister [OPTIONAL]
> Allows the REGISTER command to be used. This is usually a good thing, but if you don't want your users to be able to register channels, remove (or comment out) this directive. Note, however, that Services administrators and the Services super-user will still be able to use the REGISTER command even if this directive is not given.
> Example: CSEnableRegister
So for admins, it'd still be the same syntax as normal? Or would they need to give some extra syntaxes to say which user to register the channel to? i.e. if they used the standard syntax, the channel would be registered to them? How can they register it to a different registered nick?
> I can't speak for others, but as far as I'm concerned, see FAQ Z.6.
> (With all due respect, I and others would appreciate if you would take time
> to RTFM before writing to the mailing list. The manual is there for a
> reason.)
It's something we'd really like, and in the manual you mentioned about extra traffic, but if the bot was +d would it really create that much more? I appreciate you're probably been asked this so many times, so I won't continue with it. :)
Thanks again.