[IRCServices] Possible bug but unable to reproduce
list at psam.se
Sat Mar 5 06:32:52 PST 2005
I have a little strange error that I cant reproduce. I have a channel
that is set to
Options: Topic Retention, Private, Secure Ops, Restricted Access, Secure
With those options a user that isnt on the access list would be kicked
and baned. However I have had a user that wasnt on the access list just
to be kicked and not baned?
* DM|BRB (Darkmere at dont.show.com) has joined #solwarleader
* DM|BRB was kicked by ChanServ (You are not permitted to be on this
This was handed to me from a staff (oper access level) on my server that
is on that channel.
The person that tries to join the channel has the following nicks registered
Darkmere and DM|inBed so the user tried to join without a registered nick.
I have tried to reproduce this but I have been unable to do that so I
dont think there is much more info I can offer.
Im running Freebsd 4.10 unreal 3.2.2 and ircservice 5.0.44 Though I
havent seen anything about this in the changelog to the latest version.