[IRCServices] ACCESS and *OP

Dr. K. Hawkes k.hawkes at zombies.force9.net
Sat May 13 05:53:57 PDT 2000

> From: Andrew Church <achurch at dragonfire.net>
> To: ircservices at ender.shadowfire.org
> Subject: [IRCServices] ACCESS and *OP
> Date: Saturday, May 13, 2000 02:37
> >How would everyone fell if we removed the ACCESS command and replaced it
> >with AOP SOP etc? This would simplify things dramatically and I know it
> >would affect those people who want very customisable channel access
> >levels.
Personally I don't like that idea, ACCESS may be a little difficult for newer Users to Services, but I like many other Users have gotten to used to ACCESS.

Adding AOP/SOP/VOP along side ACCESS is good, that way you have 2 standards, one for those who don't like ACCESS and one for those who do.

>      My personal preference is to use *OP as an option to the ACCESS ADD
> command, and display levels by name in LIST if EXPERT is not set.  The
> user/Services dialogue would look something like this:
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel add SomeNick sop
> -ChanServ- SomeNick added to channel #channel access list as an auto-op.
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list
> -ChanServ- Num  Level  Nick
> -ChanServ-   1   SOP   MyNick
> -ChanServ-   2   AOP   NotMyNick
> -ChanServ-   3   AOP   SomeNick
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list levels
> -ChanServ- Num  Level  Nick
> -ChanServ-   1     10  MyNick
> -ChanServ-   2      6  NotMyNick    // Anything from AOP to SOP-1 is "AOP"
> -ChanServ-   3      5  SomeNick
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list aop
> -ChanServ- Num  Level  Nick
> -ChanServ-   2   AOP   NotMyNick
> -ChanServ-   3   AOP   SomeNick
>      Admittedly, the last examples are a bit questionable as they can let
> someone with the nick "levels" or "aop" hide from channel lists, but if
> that becomes a problem it's easy enough to forbid the nicknames/
>      The EXPERT option might work something like this:
> -> *ChanServ* levels #channel set memo 50
> -ChanServ- The EXPERT option must be set to change access level settings.
> -> *ChanServ* set #channel expert on
> -ChanServ- The EXPERT option for #channel is now active.
> -> *ChanServ* levels #channel set memo 50
> -ChanServ- Level MEMO on channel #channel changed to 50.
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list
> -ChanServ- Num  Level  Nick
> -ChanServ-   1     10  MyNick
> -ChanServ-   2      5  SomeNick
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list aop
> -ChanServ- AOP setting is disabled when EXPERT is set.
> -> *ChanServ* set #channel expert off
> -ChanServ- Warning: Disabling EXPERT will erase all access level changes.
> -ChanServ- Use SET #channel EXPERT OFF FORCE to disable EXPERT anyway.
> -> *ChanServ* set #channel expert off force
> -ChanServ- The EXPERT option for #channel has been disabled.
> -> *ChanServ* access #channel list
> -ChanServ- Num  Level  Nick
> -ChanServ-   1   SOP   MyNick
> -ChanServ-   2   AOP   SomeNick
>      Incidentally, I could see *OP being done as a module which could be
> loaded or not at the server operator's choice.  (Yes, I will try to get
> back onto that module thing RSN...)
Just a tiny thing here Andy, why have it set EXPERT on the channel?  
Why not have a flag in NickServ for EXPERT-type MODE so if a User is a newbie then they don't need it, if not then they can set EXPERT which will just take a few of the 'safeties' away, like you have with some programs you can have Novice/Expert Modes, Novice typically protects from some things where Expert does not...

Anyhow that's my 2 pence.


>   --Andrew Church
>     achurch at dragonfire.net
>     http://achurch.dragonfire.net/
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