[IRCServices Coding] REHASH functionality question

Andrew Church achurch at achurch.org
Thu Nov 20 22:07:39 PST 2003

Message-ID: <3fbcbd0d.72522 at achurch.org>

(CC'd privately because my mail doesn't seem to be going through to the

>	I recently upgraded from 5.0.22 to 5.0.25 (using patches) but after 
>starting services again (successfully), I realized I hadn't put the new 
>AkillChanExpiry directive into modules.conf.  When I issued a 'msg operserv 
>help Akillchan', the help message indicated that if no expiry was 
>specified, it would default to "(null)".  I then added the AkillChanExpiry 
>to modules.conf (set to 7d) and issued a REHASH via OperServ.  The HELP 
>message for Akillchan still indicates an expiry of "(null)", though I 
>expected it to say 7d.

     That's a bug, not a feature! ...oh, wait...

     Fixed for 5.0.26, thanks for the report.

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org