[IRCServices] Bot crashes services...
Nicholas Prisi
n.p at bluewin.ch
Wed Jan 1 16:17:00 PST 2003
Hi all,
We've been running a bot on our network and ever since I changed the domain
name it's been using services crashes when we connect him:
[Jan 01 14:05:00 2003] PANIC! buffer = & CarbonServ 1 1041429895 pickkles
admin.carbonirc.net stealth.carbonirc.net 0 +ix carbon-3D510D1B.car$
[Jan 01 14:05:00 2003] Services terminating: Segmentation fault
The only thing I can think of is that the bots host is similar to the
services server and ircd adresses, but that still shouldn¹t be a problem.
I'm reversing the old domain the bot used so I can try again with that but
I'm kinda worried that this is happening ;(
P.S: admin.carbonirc.net is the bots address and stealth.carbonirc.net is
the ircds address.
P.P.S: The bots nick kill is on immediate and I forgot to set
admin.carbonirc.net in his access list so he gets killed automatically on
Connection, again this shouldn¹t really make a difference but maybe...
Unreal3.2b13 & ircservices 5.0.5
Any help would be great ;)